Wall Art


These unique pieces are made from wood, in the wire frame style and can be stained or painted in any colour you choose. More styles to be added soon. Prices range from $40 to $80 depending on the size of the piece. We can also do custom work. Send us an email with any requests and for individual pricing. We do have some stock on hand, but most pieces are made to order.

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These unique pieces are made from wood, in the wire frame style and can be stained or painted in any colour you choose. More styles to be added soon. Prices range from $40 to $80 depending on the size of the piece. We can also do custom work. Send us an email with any requests and for individual pricing. We do have some stock on hand, but most pieces are made to order.

These unique pieces are made from wood, in the wire frame style and can be stained or painted in any colour you choose. More styles to be added soon. Prices range from $40 to $80 depending on the size of the piece. We can also do custom work. Send us an email with any requests and for individual pricing. We do have some stock on hand, but most pieces are made to order.